Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Page from the Activity Book

Well, hello!

This is John, reporting on the latest happenings in the world of Activity Book, the PHIT house team directed by Rick Horner.

As many of you know, Activity Book (along with fellow house teams Fletcher and The Scramble) made our official debut on October 10 and 11 at the Shubin Theater. They were exciting nights for us, filled with the kinds of emotional highs and lows that could send even the strongest improvisers straight into the Valley of the Dolls. But, fear not! All of us emerged happy, healthy, and positively glowing with the knowledge that we were part of an exciting moment in the development of the Philadelphia improv scene. Endless thanks to Greg Maughan and Alexis Simpson for working so hard to make PHIT an important presence and for making these house teams a reality.

We in Activity Book are not the kind to rest on our laurels, so this past Wednesday we resumed our regular rehearsal schedule. Guided by our ace director, we discussed our performances and spent considerable time working on our edits. In the interest of full disclosure, I feel that I must confess an almost pathological inability to edit a scene. Blame it on my parents, who taught me (far too well, apparently) never to interrupt someone when he or she is speaking, and on my teammates, whose scene work is so strong that I get completely wrapped up in it and forget that I'm on the stage and not in the audience.

Of course, no Activity Book rehearsal would be complete without an exciting, free-flowing exchange of ideas and information. Among the topics discussed were possible methods of promoting and merchandising for our team, Philly sports fans vs. Detroit sports fans, and the latest breakthroughs in feminine hygiene technology.

As you can see, the world of Activity Book is a world of wonder, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to share it with you, not only through our performances, but also through this blog (thanks, Milkshake!).

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