Saturday, March 7, 2009

PHIT & NMSS' 30th St Station FREEZE

This past Monday PHIT made it's first foray into the world of Improv Everywhere style flashmob stunts. We had been thinking about stuff like this for a couple years, but I had always felt like we'd just be repetitive. However, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society got in touch with us last fall and wanted us to replicate the Grand Central Station Freeze that was done in NYC a few years ago as a way of raising awareness about MS (a disease which keeps people from moving eventually). It seemed like a good cause.

We had a lot of people signed up, and our actual group ended up being smaller due to the weather - a huge snowstorm - on Monday, but NMSS did still edit together the following video so you can get a feel for it. Check it out:

One really cool thing coming out of the event is people's interest in doing more stunts like this. So we may be doing one again soon. If you've got ideas for good stunts that are original, post them below... so far the best thing I've heard is a Snuggie flashmob.

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