Friday, November 14, 2008

PHIF 2008 and the growth of improv in Philly

So this weekend is the Philadelphia Improv Festival, which isn't in anyway officially associated with the theater. I know, it's strange, but the festival took shape before the theater did - in fact the creation of PHIT was announced at PHIF 2005 - and they've remained more or less seperate since that time.

But this year's festival - wow. Get out and see that stuff. There are a lot of returning favorites (both locally and from past festivals) and there has been a ton of press.

The press is probably what I am happiest about. It's always nice to see improv getting its due, and the festival has been helping with that in a million ways by ending up in every published news-y, Philadelphia-y piece of paper I can find the last two weeks. The scene here in town is really getting its due from the improv side of things. And whether or not PHIT is involved that means more people are going to know about and try to see improv, which is ultimately good for PHIT and good for everyone else too!

Before I go, a couple of PHIF 2008 recommendations: Tybrus, Dr. Fantastic, Rare Bird Show. If you've only got time for 3 shows... those is the ones.

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